Inflammation: what it is, how it works, and which food to eat
Inflammation (or phlogosis) is an innate and non-specific defence mechanism. It is a protective response by the body, one which aims […]
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Psoriasis: improve your skin with thermal water
While those suffering from psoriasis require personalised and long-term medical care, sometimes these patients also need self-care treatments to help […]
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Food poisoning: what it is and how to avoid it
How do you get food poisoning? How can food cause infections? Which diseases can I get after eating infected food? […]
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Mineral water: the 5 most frequently asked questions
Water makes up 45% to 99% of the mass of every being on Earth. In humans, the percentage varies from […]
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Psoriatic arthritis: 6 ways to protect your joints
Psoriatic arthritis can be extremely invalidating and have a significant impact on everyday life, and those suffering from the disease […]
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Vitamin D: how much do we need to take?
Professor Giampiero Girolomoni, head of the clinical dermatology department at the University of Verona, explains how we can determine how much […]
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The impact of diet on psoriasis
Last year, a team of researchers from the Department of Dermatology at the faculty of medicine of the University of […]
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Vaccines and psoriasis
By Dr. Vera Tengattini and Dr. Ilaria Denti Vaccinations are important for everyone, but even more so for patients with […]
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How to treat psoriasis – New treatment approaches
“There is a whole group of people who do not seek treatment, or who resort to treatments that are ineffective, […]
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Psoriasis: 6 tips to improve your skin during Summer
Summer is the perfect time to treat psoriasis naturally. The sun in summer is like a drug for our skin […]
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The human body contains an organ never seen before
New investigative methods revealed an interstitium under our skin and mucous membranes, made of canals full of fluids. Now we […]
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