Psoriasis and the happiness deficit
No-one is happy to have an illness.
But for the Italians, there are illnesses which – probably due to stigma and to the difficulties of everyday living and personal relationships – may be even more difficult to bear.
This is the picture of Italy’s 1.5 million psoriasis sufferers that emerges from the World Psoriasis Happiness Report 2017, drawn up by the Happiness Research Institute. The report looked at more than 120,000 people in 184 countries who live with psoriasis, measuring their happiness deficit, comparing the general population and those with psoriasis in 19 countries, including Italy.
Itching, skin desquamation, and reddening of the skin are the symptoms reported in Italy as being the most bothersome and prone to interfere with interpersonal relationships (erroneously), especially if this is associated with motor difficulties. Difficulty walking is the factor which most affects wellbeing: a happiness deficit of 17.8 per cent.
Our information booklet no.5 is out now!
The new edition of our booklet is now available!
The results of the home phototherapy project have been very positive, while the research financed by our foundation into T lymphocytes and psoriasis is ongoing, with interesting new discoveries.

We will continue to provide psychological support for psoriasis sufferers in 2019, and the “Natalino Corazza Prize” will be awarded this year too, bringing it to its third edition. Last year’s prize saw the participation of many young artists from Bologna’s Fine Arts Academy, who unleashed their creativity on the theme of skin “patches”.
We’ve signed important agreements with some thermal centres here in Italy specialized in treating psoriasis.
We have also drawn up our activity programme for 2019, without forgetting the many initiatives held during World Psoriasis Day. There is still much to do, but we will continue our work without stopping!
Read our updated Information Booklet here for more information.
When Skin Talks
The skin, its purposes and different purports regarding body and mind from social, anthropological and cultural viewpoint.
Dr. Fazio has won a grant financed by Fondazione Natalino Corazza
Monday April 18, 2016, Dr. Nicola Fazio starts working at the Surgical, Medical, Dental department of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, also dealing with Morphological Sciences interested in transplants, oncology and regenerative medicine.
Dr. Fazio has won a grant financed by Fondazione Natalino Corazza.
Research is focused on diseases of the skin, and main subject of this study will be: Characterization of the metabolic profile through NMR spectroscopy of proliferation and keratinocyte differentiation.
2005- Graduates in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies summa cum laude at Bologna University.
Research for his experimental thesis was carried out in Brussels, at the Catholic University of Lovanio. The results were published. Researcher for one year (1998) at Ole Miss University –Oxford, Mississippi.
From 2007 to 2010 carried out his doctorate in Pharmacology and Toxicology at the University of Bologna..
His thesis translated into English was published as a monograph.
From May 2010 to April 2015 Senior Researcher at the Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna, in the field of regenerative medicine